Request Help from ACLU-Houston

The ACLU is not a law firm. We are an organization that works to protect and defend the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, our freedoms, human rights, and liberties. However, we are not a law firm. Freedom of speech rights to privacy, and separation of church and state, are just a few issues we often encounter.

If you have an incident that you would like for us to consider for action, please fill out and send us the following information. We will review your “request for help” and reply.

The ACLU is mainly a volunteer organization. Please contact other lawyers about your case and do not wait for a response from us. All legal matters have deadlines. The ACLU accepts no responsibility for the legal matters you bring to our attention. We do not guarantee every request will receive a reply. However, we will do our best to get back to you.

If you are not a member, we encourage you to join us.
Note: We are having technical difficulties with the form below and are working to correct the problem. In the meantime, if you would like to request our help, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and someone will get back to you. Thank you for your patience.

Basic Information

    Nature of Request:

    Contact me via:

    Best Time:
    18 Years of Age or Older:

    Legal Request Details

      Are you Represented by
      an Attorney in this Matter?

      Approximate Date/Time
      of the Occurence:

      of the Occurence::
      What is the Nature of Your Request?
      [select menu-868 “[select one]” “police misconduct” “cyber liberties” “freedom of speech/expression” “privacy” “gender or race” “gay/lesbian issues” “separation church & state” “prison issues” “criminal justice” “death penalty” “environmental” “Other”]

      Documentation You Have:

      Are you a Member of the Houston ACLU?